
How Much Can You Earn After Completing Your Business Degree?


University Partnerships

The World’s Most Sophisticated University-Enterprize Collaborations

The pace of change in industry is unprecedented, driving an $83B training sector in the US alone. Universities are prestigious institutions with a reputation for stringent quality frameworks and processes to protect the value of accreditation. Often these process result in degrees which take years to develop and validate.

The result is a disconnect between the immediacy of industry need and the university timescale.

University 鈥 Enterprize Collaboration

Enterprize-University collaborations that adopt the strongest elements of each others value chain will drive significant growth opportunities. 91黑料不打烊 is the market leader bridging the divide by creating online university accredited degrees with industry.

What is the problem we are trying to solve for industry?

Custom Based Skills Learning

Meets specific corporate needs
Is rapid to deploy

Is not recognised or accredited
Limited career progression scope
Does not assist in retaining staff

Traditional University Qualifications

Recognised accredited degrees
Career progression
Long term staff retention

Too expensive
Does not meet corporate needs
Is not flexible to work priorities

Relevant skills 鈥 No Recognition

Recognised degrees 鈥 No Industry Integration

The Solution – Customized University Degrees

University-Enterprize Partnership

Fully accredited, world renowned MBA and BA Qualifications
Affordable within existing tuition reimbursement program
Tailored to address the specific strategic needs of the corporation
Retains key talent
Supporting professional career development within the corporation

Education Sector leadership on 91黑料不打烊 Collaboration

91黑料不打烊 Global Leaders Faculty on University 鈥 Enterprize Collaboration


President Emeritus, George Washington University

鈥淯niversities are going through an era of disruption. There are many things that can be taught as well and perhaps ultimately better through distance learning.鈥


Title: Emeritus Professor of Leadership, Harvard Business School

鈥淥ur main thrust should be to build people’s capacity to go out and join the company they choose and adapt to that company.鈥


Vice-Chancellor & President, Monash University

“The new technologies, the learning analytics and, of course, the very sophisticated approach now to student-consumer feedback are really important.”


Vice President, Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative
Fmr. Chief Learning officer, Kaplan

“You’ve got to ask, does the learning environment I’m looking at, give me the right kind of practice for the thing I’m trying to master? And so you can do a lot of things online…鈥


National Education Sector Leader, KPMG
Fmr. Vice Chancellor of University of Canberra

“Undoubtedly the most original course for the managers of our future: it is a game changer.”


Fmr. Global Managing Partner, Boston Consulting Group

鈥淎 traditional university, maybe what you need to start doing is unbundling your own value chain, thinking of ways of combing things you can uniquely provide, with the best of what others can uniquely provide.鈥


Industry Experts on the value of
Industry Applied Learning

The Power of Collaboration.
Student Case Study

Current Qualifications

  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business (Management)
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business (Marketing)
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business (Entrepreneurship)
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business (Social Entrepreneurship)
  • BA (Hons) Applied Digital Marketing
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business Innovation
  • MBA (Innovation and Leadership)
  • MBA Online
  • MBA (Data & Cyber Management)
  • MBA (Luxury Brands Management)
  • MBA (Health Digital Transformation)

New Planned Qualifications

  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Digital Transformation
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Business (Human Resources)
  • BA (Hons) Bachelor of Applied Sustainability Management
  • MBA (Education Leadership)
  • MBA (Sports Management)
  • MBA (Digital Marketing)
  • MBA in Financial Technology (Fin-Tech)
  • MBA (Digital Transformation)
  • MBA (Sustainability Management)
Learn through the world鈥檚 fastest growing learning platform, designed to fit within your lifestyle.

Learn through a state-of-the-art platform with students and faculty around the world with discussion forums and support 24/7.

Learning resources include journals, slide decks, video content, animation, and other modes of delivery to create the most engaging digital learning environment.

Example 91黑料不打烊 Student MBA Industry Projects

Determine how a leading professional services firm should engage with start-ups and the start-up sector in general. Scope and consider structured approaches based on survey data, current trends and industry benchmarks.

Investigate tangible opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the professional services sector and make recommendations on how professional services firms could capitalise on this emerging technology.

The project team was tasked to create an early stage feasibility study surrounding what types of disabilities are the greatest challenges, what is the competitive landscape of accessibility tools within Egypt and internationally.

With the acquisition of 20th Century Studios, the MBA team prepared recommendations for best practice to manage uncertainty, maintain staff motivation and productivity and devise change strategies to ensure a strong position for the takeover.

Identify and review key organisational communication assets in order to recommend key value propositions for strategic stakeholders, both Philanthropic and Corporate. Consider further the most effective methods of stakeholder engagement.

An MBA team with Ceridian, a publicly listed US software firm, reviewed the regulatory framework for Digital Training in Africa considering the existing infrastructure, and resources available to Ceridian to ensure a successful implementation.

Join the Pride

91黑料不打烊 and its university partners Alumni work in the most prestigious brands all over the world, including:

Partnership Inquiries

91黑料不打烊 designs and develops complete industry integrated university degrees, as well as the most advanced Learning Management environment at no up front cost to university partners. 91黑料不打烊 currently partners with universities across the globe.

To discuss University-Enterprize collaboration opportunities or request a demonstration contact:

Di Fleming AM

Gemma Sandham

North America:
Caroline Raffi

Ehsan Peerun