
How Much Can You Earn After Completing Your Business Degree?


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are degrees formally Accredited?

    All degrees are accredited by the various university partnerships 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has around the world. University partner accreditation meets all government and regulatory requirements. To see full details of each universities accreditation standing, see the Accreditation section under the 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Us section.

  • Are degree recognized in North America?

    Yes, both the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and the University of East London are Title IV registered by the US Department of Education. In addition, both universities are approved institutions for student finance through Sallie Mae. See full details at Accreditation under 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Us

  • Are fees paid in advance?

    No. Fees are paid over the duration of the degree program

  • Are there Finance options available?

    Yes. In the UK, eligible students can apply for a range of government loans and bursaries. In the United States students can apply for finance through Sallie Mae. Canadian students can apply for finance through the government, Student Aid department.

  • Can I use Veteran Affairs or GI funding?

    Yes, specific programs are approved for eligible US military personnel to cover the full degree tuition costs. To discuss specific programs that qualify, please contact your Enrolment Advisor.

  • How do employers recognize 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and its university partner degrees?

    Our alumni have been hired into management level positions in some of the best companies, governments and NGO’s from around the world. Also, ~50% of our MBA candidates receive a promotion even before graduating! You can find a list of many of our partner University and 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ alumni upon request which include Apple, Google, LinkedIN, Morgan Stanley, KPMG, Disney, United Nations, Save the Children and many more. Employers highly value the tailored and practical approach we apply throughout the course through developing real world, revelvant and applicable skills.

  • How much is it to apply?

    There are no application fees.

  • What other fees are in this program?

    There are no hidden fees. No textbooks are required to be purchased, no facilities fees, sporting fees, amenities or any other fees that don’t apply directly to your online education.

  • What's the timeframe to complete?

    Each degree is different. Some programs can take under 18 months and some up to 3 years. See descriptions under Courses for full details.

  • What is the average amount of time I need to plan on per week?

    This varies depending on the program and its duration. You could expect between 7-15 hours dependant on the program. However, as assessments are all applied, and we have No Exams, much of the work for your degree, is tied directly to solving organizational challenges, rather than a commitment on top of your career. Your Enrollment Advisor can provide more details of time estimates based on your preferred program.

  • Is it flex-time, study on demand, or scheduled courses?

    All degree are 100% online. There are many opportunities to collaborate with your academics, peers, industry leaders, and student support services. However, there are no mandatory scheduled classes, meaning you can study wherever you are, whenever you want.

  • Who are the academics? Who actually teaches the class?

    All academics must be suitably qualified in order to teach accredited university programs. However 91ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ academics, or as we call them, PracaDemics, go much further. They run their own businesses, consult to industry and bring as much “real world” knowledge as academic knowledge. Your academics will be from all over the world including the UK, US, Africa, Australia, and Europe.

  • Is someone able to take a semester off? Break?

    Yes, you can request a leave from most programs. However, the Executive MBA is designed to commence and complete with the same cohort within 12 months, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

  • How is the course structured between courses, topics and research?

    For a summary of each program, visit the Courses section of the website. For a complete Course and Subject guide, this can be requested from your Enrolment Advisor.

  • Is there an alumni network?

    As a truly global business school operating with offices and staff all over the world, you will join a dynamic group of change makers from Rwanda to Singapore and most places in between.

  • Can my pre-existing credits transfer in and count towards this degree?

    Yes. But this is subject to the actual subjects and credit hours undertook. As part of your enrolment process, your Enrolment Advisor will obtain details of your past studies to determine possible credit. If you do obtain credit, your fees will be adjusted accordingly. You will only pay tuition for the subjects you enrol into.